Communion Catholic Quiz Part 1

Question One : Old Testament: What was the result of Adam and Eve sin of eating the apple from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil?
A : Life

B : Death

C : Happiness

D : Joy

E : None of the above

Question Two : New Testament: What was the result of Jesus death and resurrection ?
A : Life. Jesus paid our debt for sin and bought heaven back for us.

B : Death

C : Anger

D : All of the above.

E : None of the above.

Question Three : Old Testament: Who was Abraham about to Sacrifice before God’s anger stopped him?

A : His daughter

B : His son

C : His wife

D : His brother

E : None of the above

Question Four : New Testament: God allowed ______________ to be crucified on the Cross for our sins. This man is the Perfect Sacrifice.

A : Mary

B : Peter

C : His only Son, Jesus

D : John the Baptist

E : None of the above

Question Five : Old Testament: The Egyptian King would not free the Israelites despite God’s many warnings, finally God said to Moses “ I will bring one more plague upon the Egyptians, one that will force the king to free my people. Every first-born in Egypt shall die...” *
So no harm can come to the children of the Israelites, God ordered the Israelites to prepare a special sacrifice. What was that special sacrifice?

A : A goat cooked with lemon and rice. Then The Angel of Death killed all the first-born of the Egyptians, but no Israelites died because the Angel of Death smelled the stinky goat.

B : A chicken sprinkled with blood.

C : They were to sacrifice a lamb, and sprinkle their doorposts with its blood. Then they were to roast the lamb and eat it. The Angel of Death killed all the first-born of the Egyptians, but NO Israelites died because the Angel of Death saw the blood of the lamb on their doorposts.

D : Bread and wine.

E : None of the above

Question Six : Who is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world?
A : Jesus, the perfect Sacrifice.

B : Peter

C : A normal lamb

D : The same lamb that God ordered the Israelites in Egypt to sacrifice so the Angel of Death passes over their house.

E : None of the above

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*Quote from Catholic Children’s Bible

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